The Seyka Yachts company was created as a result of years of dedication within this industry, providing our clients with the professionalism and enthusiasm that we have been carrying with us for years. Offering top quality services with high service standards.

Our mission is to satisfy the needs of our clients and their boats, letting them know that they can leave their boat in our hands, stop worrying and just focus on enjoying sailing.

Sergio de Juan
Lover of sailing and the sea.

Professional skipper, amateur fisherman and perfectionist in detail.

From a very young age he was already sailing with his father in a 7-meter llaüt.
When they prepared the annual beaching of that ship, he already loved to help doing the work.

For several years, he was in charge of the work at the Port Olímpic de Calanova dry dock, in this company he acquired a lot of knowledge that he can apply professionally today. After months of analyzing the decision, he finally decided to take the leap and increase his personal and professional satisfaction and launched into creating Seyka Yachts.

Today, a professional with more than 10 years of experience, he has extensive knowledge of boat maintenance and repair, becoming a specialist in sandblasting, anti-osmosis processes, polishing, propeller treatments, antifouling application, etc…

Sergio at Seyka Yachts, is responsible for the work of the boats in dry dock, he will advise you what type of treatment or service is appropriate for you and your boat.

Who knows him, will know that a boat could not be in better hands!
And, if you don’t know him yet, cheer up! You will see for yourself!

Veronica Pomar

She started sailing at the age of 18 and fell in love with the sea.

Professional patron.

She has worked for 7 years on board large boats, as a stewardess / sailor and head stewardess.
Meticulous to detail.

Together with Sergio, they decided to carry out this great creation of Seyka Yachts, given her extensive experience, not only as a professional in interior service on luxury yachts, but also as a specialist in deck work, such as; cleaning, polishing, maintenance and repair of boats in general.
Verónica at Seyka Yachts, she is responsible for the administration, management of nautical charters and the purchase and sale of boats.

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